The incredible results of effective communication.

Imagine a world where every business, big or small, thrives on effective communication. A world where companies understand the power of their brand reputation and image and the impact it can have on their success. Welcome to the realm of PR consultancy, where we transform mere businesses into influential valuable brands.

Crafting Compelling Narratives

In this fast-paced, ever-evolving landscape, PR consultancy is the guiding light that illuminates the path to success. We are the storytellers, the strategists, and the architects of reputation. Our mission is to craft compelling narratives that captivate audiences, build trust, and drive growth.

Roadmap to Success

Picture this: a business with great products or services, bursting with potential, but struggling to make its mark in a crowded market. That's where we come in. We analyse, we strategize, and we create a roadmap to success. Through meticulous research and analysis, we uncover the essence of the brand, its unique selling points, and its target audience.

Winning the Hearts & Minds

With this knowledge in hand, the compelling narrative resonates with the hearts and minds of the people. We shape the brand's story, carefully selecting the right words, the right tone, and the right channels to deliver it. From press releases to social media campaigns, we ensure that every touchpoint exudes the brand's essence, leaving a lasting impression.

Brand Protection

But it doesn't stop there. We are the guardians of reputation, the crisis managers, and the damage control experts. When the unexpected strikes, we step in, armed with our expertise and experience. We navigate the storm, protecting the brand's integrity, and guiding it back to calmer waters.

Strengthen, Evolve and Thrive.

In the realm of PR consultancy, we are the catalysts of positive change. We help businesses evolve, adapt, and thrive in an ever-changing world. We are the bridge between brands and their audiences, fostering meaningful connections that transcend mere transactions.

The Architects of Influence

So, whether you're a multinational corporation or a SME, PR consultancy is the secret weapon that propels you towards success. We are the architects of influence, the masters of perception, and the champions of communication. Welcome to the world of PR consultancy, where we transform businesses into legends. 

Welcome to Lighthouse PR.

We are the PR consultancy that lifts Romania’s head proudly skywards, surpassing limits and expectations.  Formulated gracefully from years of roaring success, we now honour Bucharest with a new standard of excellence in professional PR.

Incredible Talents

We are an extraordinary union of incredible talents from business management, strategy, branding, marketing, public relations, digital, journalism, and political affairs, with every person carefully considered for their contribution to the ultimate dream team.

Passion & Creativity

We are the life force of collective aspirations and emotions that spark and shape the passion and creativity that craft winning communication strategies and tactical plans. 

We are the benchmark, upon which others may aspire to become, and remain resolute in our ambition to deliver considerable success for our clients. 

We are at the heart of the Capital city, the central magnet where most businesses revolve. 

We are Lighthouse PR.

We are the exclusive and sole member representing Romania and the Republic of Moldova in the Eurocom Global PR Network. We are also exclusive partners for Romania within the prestigious Crisis Communication Network Europe (CCNE). We are the trusted corporate communication consultancy for many leading tech corporations, industry giants, FMCG & retail top players, and financial institutions.

Let’s talk

We want to talk to you about helping you develop and grow your business via efficient, effective, clear, concise, and convincing communication strategies and innovative, superlative tactics.

Anamaria Gardiner

A recognised PR expert, with a MA in International Relations and founder of Lighthouse PR.


Eurocom Worldwide appoints Lighthouse PR for Romania and Moldova.


Lighthouse PR is granted ISO 27001